Technology with opinion

Monday, April 10, 2006

Visual Studio 2005 Settings

Visual Studio 2005 is definitely one of the richest development environments I've ever experienced. This can be a good or bad thing. If you are new to programming a language within Visual Studio 2005 it can be helpful for learning. However if you are an experienced programmer you probably liken it to being babysat. Below are my Visual Studio 2005 Advanced Programmers settings.

TV: Treeview

  1. Within Visual Studio 2005 open Options
    1. If I have to tell you where this is then you probably don't need these settings
  2. Stop showing Start Page at IDE startup
    1. TV: Environment -> Startup -> change At startup to Show empty environment
  3. Show line numbers
    1. TV: Text Editor -> All Languages -> check Line numbers
  4. Change indenting to use Tabs
    1. TV: Text Editor -> All Languages -> Tabs -> click Keep tabs
  5. Turn off paranoid autocomplete
    1. Text Editor -> C# -> IntelliSense -> uncheck Show completion list after a character is typed

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